
Wednesday, 4 May 2016

How to Fix Your Lagging Motivation

1. Set goals, and constantly remind yourself of them.

Whether it’s getting a new PR on squats or beating your last 5K time, it is vital to have a specific goal in mind. It has been proven true time and time again if people remind themselves of what they eventually want to accomplish in their fitness journey, they will succeed. Try writing down your goals in your planner or on sticky notes that you can place in your bedroom or bathroom; this way, you can visibly see the goals you’ve set, which means more accountability on your part.

2. Just move; no sitting!

It’s common that a workout regimen falls by the wayside during the holiday season. There is family coming in, Christmas parties to go to, and holiday shopping that has to get done. However, an effective workout does not mean you have to miss out on all these events. There are tons of at-home or outdoor workouts that literally need no equipment and are just as beneficial as a regular trip to the gym. Just search “at home workouts” on Pinterest; there are numerous workouts for men and women that compliment any goal, and many of them are under 30 minutes. If all else fails, try some burpees during the commercials of your favorite holiday movie.

3. Workout time= Social time

It is so much easier to enjoy working out if you have a partner/ partners. What perfect way to spend time with your folks than to invite them to take a walk around the neighborhood. You’ll get quality time with those who matter most and will forget you’re even burning calories.

Reward yourself.

There is little that motivates better than a reward. The holiday season is full of things to reward yourself with for working hard: an extra slice of pumpkin pie at Christmas dinner, new shoes at the after-Christmas sales, or even things that money can’t buy, like knowing you’ll be with family and friends and enjoying time off school and work. Either way, working towards small rewards along the way keeps you motivated and able to see success in your future.

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